On Christmas Eve, Jake & Gracie were in the annual Christmas Pageant at church:

Here comes Gracie with the choir
I'm a child of God, a daughter to wonderful parents, wife to an amazing husband, Mother to 4 little Hams and a friend to many. Our youngest son was born 6 weeks premature with multiple birth defects. He is Globally Developmentally Delayed, Intellectually Disabled and has a diagnosis of a Defect in Complex I of his Mitochondria. Follow us while we learn our new "typical". We are living and learning everyday and praising God every moment for our blessings!
Here comes Gracie with the choir
So the rules for the award are that I have to list 10 blessings and that shouldn't be hard at all...especially cause I already know 6 of them right of the bat!
1. First and foremost I am thankful that I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and that he gave his only son to die for our sins.
2. My amazing husband. He is gentle, kind, caring and well he puts up with me so that should sum it all up :)
3. My first born son , Jake. I am thankful for his intelligence, his humor and for showing me a love like no other..the love of being a Mom for the first time!
4. My first born daughter, Gracie. I am thankful for her kindness, her love and always having a shopping buddy.
5. My second born daughter Anna Claire. I am thankful for her humor, she keeps me laughing all the time. I am also thankful for her spirit, she reminds me that it is OK to be silly sometimes.
6. My last born, Ethan. I am thankful for his strength, determination and big sweet cheeks that I get to kiss every day.
7. My friends and especially my Bestie Anne Marie. I don't know how I would function without her to talk through all my problems and laugh until we cry!
9. My Step Mother Lisa who has always treated me like her daughter and taught me how to be a Mother in the true way.
10. My Father, I am thankful for him for always being there for anything that you need like fixing anything and everything. I am also thankful for his Love.
Now, I get to tag 2 of my favorite bloggers...
Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving!
He had an IV as a with antibiotics as a precaution
Jake is a very bright, energetic and athletic boy. He also has a very sensitive side but don't tell anybody he would just die if ya'll knew! He likes to come across as mister tough guy. He loves Harry Potter Novels, Go-carts and football. I can't wait to see what an amazing young man he grows up to be.